Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

Read_512 – Why The Yuppie Elite Dismiss Bitcoin [Croesus]

“When I thought about what is the defining difference between the Bitcoin maximalists and my yuppie elite friends, the surface level distinctions that popped out were political (e.g., libertarianism,...

Read_511 – Debunking the Empty Block Attack [Jimmy Song]

“The empty block attack is one where a majority of mining power would be directed at mining only empty blocks and rejecting non-empty blocks. These miners would essentially execute...

Read_510 – Bitcoin Will Save Our Earth [Evan Bayless]

“Bitcoin is not taking gas from your car or electricity from your house, it is making power production more efficient, utilizing otherwise “stranded” energy sources and helping to fund...

Read_509 – Fidelity: Addressing Persisting Bitcoin Criticisms [Ria Bhutoria]

“Bitcoin is a unique digital asset for an increasingly digital world that requires digging deeper than the surface level to understand its core properties and trade-offs.” – Ria Bhutoria Fidelity writes another great piece...

Read_508 – Sovereignism Part 1 – Digital Creative Destruction [Robert Breedlove]

“To state it plainly: Bitcoin is a momen­tous monetary innova­tion enabling a new mode of non-nation-state human organi­za­tion, a “purified” form of capitalism free of nation-state inter­fer­ence and deserving of its...

Read_507 – Trust, That we Need More of [Karo Zarogus]

“We can already observe some faint light at the end of the tunnel. Savings have been reintroduced into the hands of society. You can save money and the State...

Read_506 – Pumping Iron [Arthur Hayes]

“40 years of this back and forth has resulted in almost $20 trillion in zero- or negative-yield government and corporate debt, the lowest interest rates in the last 5,000...

Read_505 – The Separation of Money & State [Knut Svanholm]

“As long as there are money printers, there can be no freedom of expression. Money is the tool we use to express value to each other. Whoever controls the...

Read_505 – The Separation of Money & State [Knut Svanholm]

“As long as there are money printers, there can be no freedom of expression. Money is the tool we use to express value to each other. Whoever controls the money supply controls the world.” – Knut Svanholm

The world became vastly more free when we separated our religious morals and authority from the apparatus of the state. The separation of church and state is one of the most important developments for freedom in history. But the state retained an unjust, unequal level of control & limitation on the freedom of expression, by monopolizing the very tool we use to express value. Money.

Bitcoin is, The Separation of Money and State. Check out the full article at Bitcoin Magazine below:

To dig deeper into the concept of rights and the Bitcoin system, check out Guy’s Take #32.
Rights, Incentives & the Bitcoin System:

A huge thank you to our amazing sponsors:
SwanBitcoin – The #1 place to setup your automatic Bitcoin savings plan! (
BitBox – Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet (

Much love to Bitcoin Magazine and the extraordinary LTBNetwork for the invaluable resource they provide to the Bitcoin ecosystem!

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