Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

Chat #63 – Hashing it Out with Harry Sudock

“Nodes are the law, and miners are the muscle.” – Harry Sudock Harry Sudock, Vice President of Strategy at Griid, and I have a chat about the challenges of...

Read_570 – Unpacking the Great Hashrate Migration [Nic Carter]

“The precise magnitude and schedule for the westward move is currently unknown, but all signals seem to be indicating the greatest shakeup in the geographic makeup of bitcoin mining...

Read_569 – Calculating the Intrinsic Value of Bitcoin [Greg Foss]

“Wake up people, this is not a drill. Contagion risks are increasing due to potential global stagflation… The intrinsic value of BTC has increased from the beginning of this year when...

Read_568 – The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Bitcoin [Bradley Rettler]

“Using Bitcoin can level the playing field for the world’s poor as we work toward economic justice.” – Bradley Rettler Author Bradley Rettler returns in today’s read with a...

Read_567 – Revenge of the Nodes – Part 2 – 21st Century Autonomy [Aaron Segal]

“Not only is the world experiencing greater dispersion of outcomes, it is also changing at an increasingly faster pace. Raw data is pouring torrentially down upon us, overwhelming our...

Read_566 – Revenge of the Nodes – Part 1 – 20th Century Authoritarianism… [Aaron Segal]

“The individual investor is professionalizing at the end of one of the biggest, most Homeric blow-out parties of all time. Forgive the cliched baseball metaphor, but this is like...

Only the Strong Survive – Full Audio

“In this piece we discuss our concerns around the broader “crypto” space beyond Bitcoin. Our arguments revolve around three primary themes: Philosophical, Technical, and Economic. From a philosophical perspective,...

Read_565 – Isaiah’s Job [Albert Jay Nock]

“The line of differentiation between the masses and the Remnant is set invariably by quality, not by circumstance. The Remnant are those who by force of intellect are able...

Read_564 – Only the Strong Survive – Part 3 [Allen Farrington & Big Al]

“As Gall’s Law suggests, we believe the general principle favoring Bitcoin’s layered architecture is not one of software engineering so much as engineering entirely in general, yet as elegantly...