Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

Read_615 – The State vs Bitcoin [Steve Barbour]

“As with freedom and oppression, Bitcoin and State money may exist in a perpetual tug of war between ideals. Where State money relies on compulsory participation, Bitcoin offers completely...

Read_614 – …and Then They Fight You [SovrynMindset]

“Much more to say. This is just a starting point, but I’m interested in Bitcoin for its potential to reorient civilization to an existence rooted in truth. If adoption...

Read_613 – Against the Inevitability of Bitcoin [Ariel Deschapell]

“…This purpose flounders, however, if their own evangelists and the community at large fails to lay the groundwork and impetus to push ever deeper. As a community, we fail...

Read_612 – Energy Cancelled [Arthur Hayes]

“On a medium-term basis, it is time to back up the John Deere excavator and scoop up as much gold and Bitcoin as you can afford. This is it,...

Read_611 – The Freedom of Value [Dergig]

“Thus, given enough time and popularity, every movie, every song, and every document will be available to the general public for free. The nature of information does not allow...

Read_610 – The Invisible Cost of War – Part 2 [Alex Gladstein]

“In sum, the U.S. government has shown that — through the GFC, repo spike crisis in 2019 and pandemic crisis in 2020 — it is willing to do anything...

Read_609 – The Invisible Cost of War – Part 1 [Alex Gladstein]

“As detailed in Saifedean Ammous’s “The Fiat Standard,” in November 1914 the British government “issued the first war bond, aiming to raise 350 million pounds from private investors at...

Read_608 – Want to Stick it to the Elites? Use Bitcoin [Avik Roy]

“Aspiring Republican politicians and conservative opinionators love talking in darkened tones about the malevolence of elites. And yet, for all the fingers wagged and pixels rendered, conservatives have largely...

Read_607 – Implications of Outlawing Bitcoin [Dergigi]

“If having 12 words in your head is illegal, something is terribly wrong with the law. If the police storm your building because you are finding or creating a...