Shitcoin Insider

Bitcoin Maximalists take on the scams, ponzis, & bad ideas in the world of crypto. Doing the dirty work so that you don't have to.

Hosted ByGuy Swann & The Insider

All Episodes

Read_671 – Greenpeace Attacks Only Galvanize Bitcoiners [Daniel Batten]

“They will come to understand that Bitcoin is hope for non-violent revolutionaries in the environmental movement who seek to end the petrodollar, usher in a world that is not...

Read_670 – Capital Misallocation, Bitcoin Fixes this – Part 2 [Steven Lubka]

“The creation of new money by insiders debases the savings ability of the existing money. It is critically important for money to maintain value, as it reflects work which...

Read_669 – Capital Misallocation, Bitcoin Fixes this – Part 1 [Steven Lubka]

“Money facilities a system — the economy — that is too complex, too unpredictable and too uncertain to be modeled or reduced to neat quantifiable units. Expanding humanity’s productive...

Read_668 – Why Proof of Stake Wont be Used for Intergalactic First Contact [Buck Perley]

“A universal law can be understood to be an objective, observable, and eternal description of some facet of the universe. As such, they can be independently discovered by disparate...

Read_667 – The Final Bubble is Bursting [Myrmikan Research]

“One might ask: if much of the U.K. pension money was about to vanish, where was it going? Partly to the bankers, of course, but mostly, as with any...

Reboot – Wittgenstein’s Money [Allen Farrington]

“Imagine if all respectable business knowledge had been derived from studying large, established companies because there had never been a start-up in living memory. If a start-up then came...

Read_666 – Debunking the ESG Attacks on Bitcoin [Spencer Nichols]

“While Bitcoin does not litigate the ethics of hydrocarbon production, it is not controversial to point out that the dollar, in that it is sustained by the continuation of...

Read_665 – The Nature of Man, Proclaim Your Bitcoin Part 1 [Simply Bitcoin]

“to survive and prosper in this world, man can either make the things he needs and wants, or he can take them. This was true thousands of years ago...

Read_664 – Bitcoin Astronomy, The Third Law – Part 2 [Dhruv Bansal]

“But if technological civilizations are more common, then we must resolve the Fermi Paradox in a different way. We know that any “solution” is really an a reflection in the...