Ai Unchained

If you are looking for self-hosted and sovereign AI tools - you've come to the right place. Making sense of the technology and concepts behind AI, breaking down the tools to gain more freedom and autonomy in our lives, and investigating how to avoid being trapped in centralized systems of control. I...

Hosted ByGuy Swann

All Episodes

Read_441 – Bitcoin, A Novel Economic Institution by ARKinvest [Part 2]

“Instead of relying on accountants, regulators, and the government, Bitcoin relies on a global network of peers to enforce rules, shifting enforcement from manual, local, and inconsistent to automated,...

Read_440 – Bitcoin, A Novel Economic Institution by ARKinvest [Part 1]

“If one transaction can be censored and controlled, can’t all transactions be censored and controlled? Can’t the powers-that-be deprive participants of the ability to exchange value globally and freely?”...

Read_439 – Genesis Files: Hal’s Quest for Digital Cash [Aaron van Wirdum]

“Most Cypherpunk veterans on the Cryptography mailing list had by then seen one too many electronic cash experiments come and go, without any real successes to account for…” “But...

Guy’s Take – Open Source Society in a Patented World [#31]

In a world drowning in patent trolls, insane intellectual property restrictions, and a reality where someone who neither can build a product, nor came up with the idea, could...

Read_438 – Blockchain Proof of Work is a Decentralized Clock [grisha]

“This explanation rests on illustrating a few interesting properties of how Proof-of-Work is used in the blockchain that are not immediately obvious and sometimes are rather counter-intuitive, for example...

Read_437 – A Monetary Layer for the Internet [Thibaud Marechal]

“The project was initially understood as yet another doomed attempt to construct a digital currency by the disillusioned cypherpunk community. And without anyone’s permission, Bitcoin slowly emerged and diligently...

Bitcoin is One for All – By Parker Lewis

Unabridged, Uninterrupted, & unmatched. Parker Lewis’s most recent installment of the “Gradually, Then Suddenly” series. Read the original and check out the data accompanying the piece at the Unchained...

Chat #46 – Stephan Kinsella on Intellectual Property in the age of Bitcoin

“I was just amazed when Bitcoin emerged, and I’m like ‘I think someone finally cracked this and figured it out,’ it’s ingenious right?” – @NKinsella Stephan Kinsella joins us...

Read_436 – Don’t Fear the Reaper [Nic Carter]

“Bitcoin’s supply schedule cannot change, because Bitcoin is the supply schedule. Any alteration produces something that is decidedly non-Bitcoin.” – Nic Carter Nic does it again with a great...