Ai Unchained

If you are looking for self-hosted and sovereign AI tools - you've come to the right place. Making sense of the technology and concepts behind AI, breaking down the tools to gain more freedom and autonomy in our lives, and investigating how to avoid being trapped in centralized systems of control. I...

Hosted ByGuy Swann

All Episodes

Chat #63 – Hashing it Out with Harry Sudock

“Nodes are the law, and miners are the muscle.” – Harry Sudock Harry Sudock, Vice President of Strategy at Griid, and I have a chat about the challenges of...

Read_570 – Unpacking the Great Hashrate Migration [Nic Carter]

“The precise magnitude and schedule for the westward move is currently unknown, but all signals seem to be indicating the greatest shakeup in the geographic makeup of bitcoin mining...

Read_569 – Calculating the Intrinsic Value of Bitcoin [Greg Foss]

“Wake up people, this is not a drill. Contagion risks are increasing due to potential global stagflation… The intrinsic value of BTC has increased from the beginning of this year when...

Read_568 – The Rich Get Richer, The Poor Get Bitcoin [Bradley Rettler]

“Using Bitcoin can level the playing field for the world’s poor as we work toward economic justice.” – Bradley Rettler Author Bradley Rettler returns in today’s read with a...

Read_567 – Revenge of the Nodes – Part 2 – 21st Century Autonomy [Aaron Segal]

“Not only is the world experiencing greater dispersion of outcomes, it is also changing at an increasingly faster pace. Raw data is pouring torrentially down upon us, overwhelming our...

Read_566 – Revenge of the Nodes – Part 1 – 20th Century Authoritarianism… [Aaron Segal]

“The individual investor is professionalizing at the end of one of the biggest, most Homeric blow-out parties of all time. Forgive the cliched baseball metaphor, but this is like...

Only the Strong Survive – Full Audio

“In this piece we discuss our concerns around the broader “crypto” space beyond Bitcoin. Our arguments revolve around three primary themes: Philosophical, Technical, and Economic. From a philosophical perspective,...

Read_565 – Isaiah’s Job [Albert Jay Nock]

“The line of differentiation between the masses and the Remnant is set invariably by quality, not by circumstance. The Remnant are those who by force of intellect are able...

Read_564 – Only the Strong Survive – Part 3 [Allen Farrington & Big Al]

“As Gall’s Law suggests, we believe the general principle favoring Bitcoin’s layered architecture is not one of software engineering so much as engineering entirely in general, yet as elegantly...