Ai Unchained

If you are looking for self-hosted and sovereign AI tools - you've come to the right place. Making sense of the technology and concepts behind AI, breaking down the tools to gain more freedom and autonomy in our lives, and investigating how to avoid being trapped in centralized systems of control. I...

Hosted ByGuy Swann

All Episodes

Read_634 – The Words we Use in Bitcoin [DerGigi]

“In a world awash in euphemisms and blatant lies, calling something by its proper name is rebellious in itself. Bitcoin is about freedom and self-sovereignty, not about asking for...

Read_633 – The Utility of Saving [Pierre Rochard]

“People hold money to hedge against future uncertainty. This is why it is so crucial for a monetary system to optimize for minimizing its own uncertainty. Bitcoin’s purchasing power...

Guy’s Take #57 – Bitcoin Domino Theory

What if, sitting in the middle of a chaotic monetary environment, increasing capital controls, balkanizing political regimes, a failing petrodollar hegemony, collapsing institutional trust, increased sanctions & weaponized infrastructure,...

Guy’s Take #56 – The Cascading Dominoes – Part 1

I promised, and it’s finally here. It’s time to get a little perspective, with the price at all time lows, exchanges and lending platforms imploding, a massive crypto deleveraging...

Read_632 – Can Governments Stop Bitcoin? [Alex Gladstein]

“Coding, mining, infrastructure, and markets are all independent, happening in competing jurisdictions and geopolitical rivals, often done by anonymous or pseudonymous actors, all with different philosophies and goals, but...

Read_631 – The ECB is Trapped, Here’s Why [Lyn Alden]

“Base money is a liability of the central bank, and it’s used as a reserve asset by commercial banks. Broad money is the liability of commercial banks, and it’s...

Reboot – Everyone’s A Scammer [Michael Goldstein]

With the markets in chaos, with services halting withdraws, & Everyone’s a Scammer” by Michael Goldstein, is one of those works. Another piece that stood the test of time made...

Read_630 – Cry Harder [Francis Pouliot]

“Bitcoin is a lifeboat on the sinking fiat ship. Lifeboats on a sinking ship don’t need a marketing department.” – Francis P. As New York puts a ban on...

Read_629 – On Impossible Things Before Breakfast [NYDIG]

“The reverse of that process – a so-called “death spiral” – was inevitable. Any time the immeasurably over-levered global fiat monetary system, for whatever reason, experienced one of its...