Bitcoin Audible

Hosted ByGuy Swann

A new podcast has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart with souls like mine.

Read_415 – Masters & Slaves of Money – Part 2 [Robert Breedlove]

“When we stop conceiving of central banking as an economics story, and start to see it as a crime story, we are beginning to get the true picture.” – Robert Breedlove

The epic conclusion of Breedlove’s “Masters and Slaves of money,” and the inevitable Guy’s Rant further exploring just how poisonous the corruption of our money is on the sustainability and moral fabric of society.

Click the crap out of the applause button on the medium article below, and don’t forget the many links for exploring tons of other great works:

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Thanks to the Let’s Talk Bitcoin Network & Bitcoin Magazine for including Bitcoin Audible and spreading these incredible works to everyone in the Bitcoin space!

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